Cabin Creek Ranch
Sheridan, WY 82801
Sheridan County, Wyoming
Ranch Description
Cabin Creek Ranch consists of 7,041+/- deeded and 1,920+/- BLM acres in northern Sheridan County, Wyoming. The property is served by extensive infrastructure including electricity, ranch roads, cross fencing, stock water pipeline, and working corrals. Available to stock cattle this spring.
A water well fills 12,000+/- gallons of storage water and nearly 12 miles of buried pipeline distributes abundant stock water to over a dozen tanks in eight pastures. Two phase and three phase power is available in multiple locations including several potential headquarter sites. A very functional set of working corrals is located on the northwest corner of the property adjacent to Passaic County Road. The ranch does not have a residence, however there are several very good building sites and historic homesteads on the property.
Abundant wildlife including elk, mule deer, antelope, turkey, sharp tailed grouse, and even black bear find the habitat of ponderosa pine ridges and grass filled hillsides ideal. Uniquely suited for the outfitter or game enthusiast, the ranch is located in a general tag area with mule deer in the 180+ inch class and elk in the 300+ inch class. Cabin Creek is a seasonal stream that typically holds water year around in its oxbows. North Cabin Creek, Remington Creek and numerous other intermittent stream valleys provide excellent cover. Multiple stock reservoirs are also located on the ranch.
The area is well known for its excellent forage. The ranch will make a solid low overhead grass ranch for summer pasture, year around cow-calf, or yearling operation. Estimated property taxes in 2018 are In addition to the cattle operations and hunting opportunity, the ranch has additional revenue streams to defer the cost of ownership and make this a quality investment.