The Ranch Headquarters
Sheridan, WY 82801
Sheridan County, Wyoming

Ranch Description
The Ranch Headquarters forms the north boundary of the City of Sheridan and has been a showcase stock Polled Hereford operation for over 60 years. Goose Creek meanders through the ranch for nearly two miles along fertile irrigated cropland contiguous to several sections of shoulder rangeland making it a scalable livestock operation. Quality infrastructure allows the owner to distribute abundant irrigation water from multiple adjudicated sources. A wise investment for such a quality property in such a prime location with transition land providing generations of upside.
Large cottonwood trees line the meandering Goose Creek creating lush habitat for game and fisheries. The historic buildings and improvements are fully functional and make the property the ideal headquarters for a seed stock or breeding ranch for a quality horse operation. The iconic barn is a well preserved landmark built in 1892 and must be experienced. Several sections of quality rangeland lie to the east making the entire ranch very well balanced and ready to operate.
The well maintained working improvements includes 3 homes, 1 barn, 4 loafing sheds, and 3 equipment buildings. The main attraction is the large barn that was known to be built in 1892 which is in remarkable shape and still hosts live production sales to this day. The older 5,000 square foot home was built to host work crews and buyers with many bedrooms. The paddock oriented corrals are used for production sales and would also be ideal equestrian pens lying in a large oxbow of Goose Creek. Corrals are designed to ship, sort, and film online video auctions.
The Headquarters Ranch is blessed with abundant water resources. The pastures east of the rail tracks are some of the best rangeland found in Wyoming with both native grasses and improved fields complimented with over a dozen quality reservoirs as well as a stock water pipeline. FSA shows over 330 acres of dry land crop ground for additional hay production on good precip years. Owners control of both sides of Goose Creek as it flows through nearly 2 miles through the center of the property. An 1890 Grinnel Livestock Ditch water right irrigates 165+- acres and a 1964 Extension to that ditch water provides water right to irrigate an additional 152+/- acres of hay meadows. There is a remaining balance of nearly 170 acres of highly valuable riparian corridor.