Put Gunsight Ranch in Your Sights
Sierra Blanca, TX 79851
Hudspeth County, Texas

Ranch Description
Owner Financing:
- down (plus the doc fee)
- down for 110 months (plus prorated taxes and note maintenance fee)
Talk about wide open spaces - how does over 50 acres sound? Ay Chihuahua. Enjoy panoramic desert views (the Chihuahuan Desert, to be exact), almost 300 days of sunshine a year and some of the most beautiful sunsets you'll see anywhere.
Build a desert retreat, hacienda, ranch, farm, or set up a family camp. Your only limit is your imagination. The area is made for adventure seekers. Hueco Tanks State Park and Guadalupe Mountains National Park are both less than a 2 hour drive and provide a stunning setting for hiking, rock climbing, bird watching and bouldering. Take in the picturesque peaks of Sierra Blanca or explore the terrain aboard an all terrain vehicle (don't worry you can rent one).
There are no building restrictions in Hudspeth County, so it's a perfect time to get in and build whatever your heart desires. You can even camp or RV on your property without restrictions. Just make sure you have a way to haul out your waste. Build a well, have a water haul and holding tank, or other similar option.
Texans are known for their independent spirit, so come on down and join the ranks in living off the grid. It may not be the “Wild West” anymore, but there's no reason you can't saddle up, throw on a pair of cowboy boots, and holler “yee haw”, as you call Hudspeth County home.
Subdivision: Gunsight Ranch
STREET Address: N/A, near Sierra Blanca, TX 79851
State: Tx
COUNTY: Hudspeth County
Zip: 79851
Size: 53.24 acres
LOT Dimensions: 912 feet x 2642 feet
Apn: 50746
Legal Description: Tract 7, a portion of Section 24, Public School Land, Block 22, Hudspeth County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a point, said point being the Southeast corner of Section 24, thence North 00 33' 12” West, along the eastern boundary of Section 24, a distance of 30.00 feet to a point, thence West, a distance of 30.00 feet to a point being the point of beginning for this parcel of land. Thence West, a distance of 886.37 feet to a appoint. Thence North 00 33' 12” West, a distance of 2,616.55 feet to a point, Thence East, a distance of 886.37 feet to a point, Thence South 00 33' 12”, a distance of 2,616.55 feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel of land contains 2,319,222.60 square feet or 53.24 acres more or less. No mineral rights shall be conveyed with the land.
Lat/Long Coordinates:
Nw: 31.3673, -105.4859
Ne: 31.3673, -105.4831
Sw: 31.3600, -105.4858
Se: 31.3600, -105.4830
Elevation: 4,816 ft
ANNUAL Taxes: Approx. per year
ZONING: None - There is no zoning at this time in Hudspeth County (it is unincorporated), except in the City of Dell City. There are no building restrictions at this time in Hudspeth County. You can camp on your own property. You must have a proper way to dispose of sewage. You can bring your RV on your lot and stay there upon building a home. You just need to dispose of sewage properly and legally. Mobile homes are allowed as there are no building restrictions.
ACCESS: Property can be accessed via a dirt road (roads are rough, 4x4 recommended) on the South and Eastern portion of the lot.
WATER: Would be a well, water haul and holding tank or other similar option
SEWER: Would be by Septic
UTILITIES: Power by solar, wind or generator, Phone by cellular, satellite Tv/Internet/Phone