Big Adventures in Klamath County
Chiloquin, OR 97624
Klamath County, Oregon
Ranch Description
Owner Financing:
- $1500 down (plus the $500 doc fee)
- $1500 down $450/Mo for 76 months (plus prorated taxes and $10/Mo note maintenance fee)
This gem of a property is perfect for those that want to leave the hustle and bustle behind and truly live off the land in the rural American west. Get the most bang for your buck by purchasing one of 2 additional lots (or buy all three.) and create the ideal getaway you've always dreamed of.
The area is zoned as rural residential and there is no time limit to build. Site built, mobile homes & manufactured homes are approved for the site and camping (tent or RV) is allowed for up to 21 days every 6 month period. The main lot has very few neighbors and is overall very flat and dry due to brush fires in 2021. Get ready to call this property home, and remember you have options to add on additional lots to make an even larger lot to enjoy.
Subdivision: Klamath Falls Forest Estates Sycan Unit
STREET Address: N/A, near Chiloquin, OR 97624
State: Or
COUNTY: Klamath County
Zip: 97624
Size: 10.57 acres
LOT Dimensions: 739 feet x 632 feet
Apn: 177123
Legal Description: The North ½ of the West ½ of Lot 7, Block 16, Klamath Falls Forest Estates Sycan Unit, according to the official plat thereof on file in the office of the County Clerk, Klamath County, Oregon.
Lat/Long Coordinates:
Nw: 42.692772, -121.138449
Ne: 42.692798, -121.135727
Sw: 42.691075, -121.138448
Se: 42.691071, -121.135718
Elevation: 5,153 ft
ANNUAL Taxes: Approx. $98.00 per year
ZONING: (R-5) Rural Residential - No time limit to build. Site built, mobile homes & manufactured homes are okay. The building code that Klamath County uses allows houses as small as 300 sq. ft. RV's are allowed for camping but not as a permanent residence. Camping is allowed for up to 21 days every 6 month period. Permits only required if staying for more than one week at a time. Tiny homes on trailer frames are registered by DMV as an RV so fall under the camping regulations. Contact Klamath County, OR Planning and Zoning Department for more info.
FLOOD Zone: Unsure
ACCESS: There is a dirt road on the northern portion of the lot.
WATER: Would be a well, water haul and holding tank or other similar option
SEWER: Would be by Septic
UTILITIES: Power by solar, wind or generator, Phone by cellular, satellite Tv/Internet/Phone
Ranch Maps & Attachments
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10.1 AC : $16.7K
10 AC : $11.9K
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46.3 AC : $100K
10 AC : $20.1K
20 AC : $27.8K
20 AC : $26K
10 AC : $16.6K
10 AC : $38.6K
10 AC : $33.8K
20 AC : $25.7K
10.7 AC : $9.2K