Blue Skies and Mountain Views
Chiloquin, OR 97624
Klamath County, Oregon
Ranch Description
Subdivision: N/A
Street Address: N/A, near Chiloquin, OR 97624
State: Or
COUNTY: Klamath County, Or
Zip: 97624
Size: 20 acres
LOT Dimensions: 1328 feet x 640 feet
Apn: 256494
Legal Description: The South 1/2 Of The Southeast 1/4 Of The Northwest 1/4 Of Section 24, Township 35, Range 10 East Of The Willamette Meridian, In The County Of Klamath, State Of Oregon. Note: This Legal Description Was Created Prior To January 01, 2008.
Lat/Long Coordinates:
Nw: 42.524509, -121.481383
Ne: 42.524530, -121.476492
Sw: 42.522773, -121.481392
Se: 42.522752, -121.476507
Elevation: 4,416 feet
ANNUAL Taxes: Approx. $135 per year
ZONING: (Fr) Forestry/Range - This property is zoned for resource use, growing trees for lumber, and wildlife conservation. Dwelling is not a primary use of the property. In order to be approved for a dwelling you will have to prove the property meets the criteria for a dwelling and the siting standards for a dwelling. This property does not abut a public road, so you also need to prove legal access to the property. You can camp on the property for 21 days in a 6 months period. You can have an RV on the property for 7 days, after 7 days a camping permit is required. You can stay in an RV while building a home via approval of a Temporary Use Permit (Tup) A TUP can only be applied for after a building permit has been issued. A TUP is reviewed on an annual basis. Mobile homes are not allowed on the property. Dwellings need to meet the Oregon Building Codes - Around 400 square feet. No time limit to build. Contact Klamath County, OR Planning and Zoning Department for more info.
FLOOD Zone: Unsure
ACCESS: Property can be accessed via an unnamed road on the north.
WATER: Would be a well, water haul and holding tank or other similar option
SEWER: Would be by Septic
UTILITIES: Power poles in the area or power by solar, wind or generator, Phone by cellular, satellite Tv/Internet/Phone
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