The Red Arrow Ranch
Roundup, MT 59072
Musselshell County, Montana
Ranch Description
The Red Arrow Ranch rests in the heart of South-Central Montana, and consists of 420 acres.
This property is nestled in the Bull Mountain range and encompasses an impressive mix of valleys, rock outcroppings, meadows, sandstone, timber ridges, sloping draws, and hills. Whether you are a die-hard bowhunter, a traditional firearm enthusiast, or a long-range rifle hunter, this recreational property will not disappoint. The tall Ponderosa Pines provide the perfect place to spot and stalk bugling Bull Elk in September and October while the large meadows and rock outcroppings help ensure those rifle hunters have the best chance at success. This ranch has traditionally been used for grazing yearlings and while that still holds true today, the number of animals has been minimal in order to maximize the rangeland for cattle and wildlife alike.
The ranch is perimeter fenced. The well is hooked up to electricity and provides enough water for the livestock and wildlife. The ranch offer many great building sites and end of road privacy. The current owner seeded over 50 acres to hay barley this last season. They also drilled another Solar well up on top for additional water for livestock and wildlife.
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