Lord Road Tract
Lord Road Tract : Dozier, AL 36028
Covington County, Alabama
Ranch Description
Secluded at the end of a county road sits the Lord Road Tract. This property is covered in planted pines and some natural hardwoods. There are two separate age classes of timber on this tract. There are 65 acres of pines planted in 2007 that are ready to be thinned and there 72 acres of pines that were planted in 2005 that are just a few years away from thinning. There is an unnamed creek that runs through the property that has a lot of old growth hardwood and pine timber located in it that allows easy walking. The property has one food plot in place but there are several locations that more could be easily placed. The Lord Road Tract is also just a few feet from the Conecuh River. There is plenty of sign of deer and turkey on this property also.
All information in this package is derived from sources that are believed to be accurate, but it is the buyer's responsibility to confirm that the information is accurate and Butler Land and Timber Company does not warrant any of the information in this brochure. Maps are for location purposes only and for more specific boundaries, buyer can obtain a survey.
Ranch Maps & Attachments
Directions to Ranch
From the traffic light in Brantley, Alabama head south on U. S. Highway 331 for 6.7 miles and turn right onto Sasser Road. Travel on Sasser Road for ½ of a mile and turn right onto Burnout Road. In 6/10ths of a mile turn left onto Lord Road. The Lord Road Tract will begin at the gate in 1.6 miles.
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