159 Acres SE of Thomas, OK
E 930 Rd & N 2430 Rd : Thomas, OK 73669
Custer County, Oklahoma
Ranch Description
We are excited to offer two exceptional tracts of farmland offered at auction just southeast of Thomas, Oklahoma. These properties provide excellent opportunities for both crop and livestock production, featuring blacktop frontage and easy access.
Tract 2 consists of approximately 159 acres of highly productive farmland, currently sowed to wheat. The property is cross-fenced and includes some permanent perimeter fencing, making it well-suited for livestock operations. Blacktop road access ensures year-round convenience, and the land provides versatility for both crop cultivation and livestock production.
• Blacktop on the North Side, Gravel on the West Side
• Some Permanent Perimeter Fencing
• Currently Cross Fenced • Productive Farmland
• Great Livestock or Crop Producer
FSA Information: Farmland 157.92 Ac. • Cropland 149.28 Ac. 85.98 Ac. Wheat Base • Avg. Yield 34 Bu./Ac. 13.30 Ac. Oats Base • Avg. Yield 44 Bu./Ac..80 Ac. Corn Base • Avg. Yield 66 Bu./Ac. 46.23 Ac. Grain Sorghum Base • Avg. Yield 38 Bu./Ac.
Legal: Northwest Quarter (Nw/4), Section Twenty Six (Sec. 26), Township Fourteen North (T14n), Range Fourteen West (R14w), Indian Meridian, Custer County, Oklahoma. Surface rights only. Less And Except a tract containing one (1) acre, more or less, described as beginning at the Northwest corner of the E/2 Nw/4 of said Section 26, thence East 208 feet; thence South 208 feet; thence West 208 feet; thence North 208 feet to the point of beginning.