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Louisiana Ranches for Sale

28 Ac, Wooded Tract for Home Site : Downsville : Union Parish : Louisiana

28 +/- ac timberland tract for rural home site in Union Parish, LA - Price Reduced. This tract is high rolling ground in pine plantation. It has been thinned and remaining pine is approx 16-20 y/o. There are some pockets of uncut pine and natural hardwoods along some drains in the back of the...

Sold28 Acres

28 Ac, Wooded Tract for Home Site

Downsville : Union Parish : LA

RecLand Realty, LLC

130 Ac, Timberland & Hunting : Sikes : Winn Parish : Louisiana

130 +/- acre Timber and Recreation tract with deeded access near Sikes in Winn Parish, La. This property contains a nice mix of recreation paired with future potential for revenue from several different age timber stands. The property contains a deeded access to the northern half of the tract off...

Sold130 Acres

130 Ac, Timberland & Hunting

Sikes : Winn Parish : Louisiana

RecLand Realty, LLC

20 Ac, Hardwood Hunting Tract : Lake Providence : East Carroll Parish : Louisiana

20 +/- ac Hunting Tract in East Carroll Parish, La. This property is a hardwood tract offering deer hunting between the Bayou Macon Wildlife Management Area and Lake Providence. It has excellent access along a public gravel road. Some of the tract was in CRP (now expired). The remainder is...

Sold20 Acres

20 Ac, Hardwood Hunting Tract

East Carroll Parish : Louisiana

RecLand Realty, LLC

11.5 Ac, Timberland for Home Site : Downsville : Union Parish : Louisiana

11.5 +/- ac timberland tract with home site potential in Downsville area of Union Parish, La. This tract is mostly pine with some hardwoods along a small creek bottom on the east side. The pine is primarily large pulpwood with scattered chip and saw and some large logs along transition toward the...

Sold11.50 Acres

11.5 Ac, Timberland for Home Site

Downsville : Union Parish : LA

RecLand Realty, LLC

35.7 Ac, Hunting Tract : Grayson : Caldwell Parish : Louisiana

35.76 +/- ac timberland for hunting in west Caldwell Parish, La. This tract was clearcut a few years ago and is covered in natural pine and hardwood regeneration. It is high, rolling ground and surrounded by thousands of acres of timberland providing excellent habitat for deer, turkeys, and small...

Sold35.76 Acres

35.7 Ac, Hunting Tract

Grayson : Caldwell Parish : LA

RecLand Realty, LLC

280 Ac, Wrp Hunting Tract : Delhi : Richland Parish : Louisiana

280 +/- acre hunting tract in Richland Parish, La. This is a hardwood tract with 129 +/- acres of Wrp. Approx. 118 acres of the WRP is planted bottomland hardwoods. The remaining acres are in mature hardwoods and sloughs offering good deer, small game, and duck habitat. There are existing food...

Sold280 Acres

280 Ac, Wrp Hunting Tract

Delhi : Richland Parish : LA

RecLand Realty, LLC