As the third-generation owner, Jeff has been involved in the auction industry his entire life and has had the unusual opportunity to learn from the best. He is a former Missouri State Champion Auctioneer and has been a finalist in the International competition. Jeff served as an instructor at the Missouri Auction School and has earned coveted designations as “Certified Auctioneer”, “Accredited Auctioneer of Real Estate”, and “Certified Estate Specialist”. He is also a Real Estate Broker.
Land For Sale. Farm / Development Land in Clay Co, Missouri. Location: South side of Prospect Rd. in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. This property is a ¼ mile west of the Excelsior Springs Golf Course on Fredericksburg Rd, then ¼ mile north on Orrick Rd., and the road curves west turning into Prospect...
A short description: ”A Duck Killing Place”. Otherwise, 294+/- acres all in Wrp, except 10 acres. Compatible use plan allows extensive duck food planting and water flooding for ducks with two wells. Green timber hunting is had on the south end in several holes. The north end is maintained with food...