The 10 Acres of Your Dreams in OR
Beatty, OR 97621
Klamath County, Oregon
Ranch Description
Owner Financing:
- $750 down (plus the $250 doc fee)
- $750 down $450/Mo for 84 months (plus prorated taxes and a $12/Mo note maintenance fee)
Silence is golden and you'll have plenty of it on this 10 acre property in Klamath County near Beatty, Oregon. Head into Klamath Falls for shopping and all the modern conveniences you need. With its proximity to rivers and lakes, the fishing is top notch. Plus, the area is a mecca for birdwatchers who come to see the Pacific Flyway - one of the largest migratory bird routes.
While zoned for resource use, as land to grow timber, and for wildlife conservation, a dwelling can be built on the property with the right permitting and approvals. Oregon building codes should be referenced and the Klamath County planning and zoning department contacted for specifics. Min build is around 400 square feet, and a temporary use permit can be secured to stay in an RV on the property while building. Get your creative juices flowing and start designing your dream property in the West.
Subdivision: N/A
Street Address: N/A, near N Packsaddle Cir, Beatty, OR 97621
State: Or
COUNTY: Klamath County, Or
Zip: 97621
Size: 10 acres
LOT Dimensions: 664 feet x 668 feet
Apn: 696367
Legal Description: The NEl/4 OF The NWl/4 OF The NEl/4 OF Section 33, Township 35 South, Range 13 East OF The Willamette Meridian, Klamath County, Oregon: More Particularly Defined As Follows: Beginning AT AN Iron PIN Located ON The Southwest Corner OF Lot 4, Block 13, Tract NO. 1010, First Addition TO Ferguson Mountain Pines, A Recorded Plat IN Klamath County, Oregon, Thence North 89°44'23" West Along The North Line OF Packsaddle Circle As Dedicated IN Said Subdivision 660.0 Feet, More OR Less, TO ITS Intersection With The West Line OF The NEl/4 OF NWl/4 OF NEl/4, Thence North Along The Said West Line 660.0 Feet, More OR Less, TO The North Line OF Section 33, Said Township And Range, Thence South 89°42'08" East, Along The Said North Line 660.0 Feet, More OR Less, TO AN Iron PIN Located ON The Corner OF Said Subdivision, Thence South 01 °19'29" West, Along Said Subdivision Line 664.88 Feet TO The Point OF Beginning. Note: This Legal Description WAS Created Prior TO January 01, 2008.
Lat/Long Coordinates:
Nw: 42.500005, -121.180873
Ne: 42.499997, -121.178423
Sw: 42.498181, -121.180926
Se: 42.498193, -121.178447
Elevation: 4,581 feet
ANNUAL Taxes: Approx. $98 per year
ZONING: (Fr) Forestry/Range - This property is zoned for resource use, growing trees for lumber, and wildlife conservation. Dwelling is not a primary use of the property. In order to be approved for a dwelling you will have to prove the property meets the criteria for a dwelling and the siting standards for a dwelling. You can camp on the property for 21 days in a 6 months period. You can have an RV on the property for 7 days, after 7 days a camping permit is required. You can stay in an RV while building a home via approval of a Temporary Use Permit (Tup) A TUP can only be applied for after a building permit has been issued. A TUP is reviewed on an annual basis. Mobile homes are not allowed on the property. Dwellings need to meet the Oregon Building Codes - Around 400 square feet. No time limit to build. Contact Klamath County, OR Planning and Zoning Department for more info.
FLOOD Zone: Unsure
Hoa/Poa: N/A
Improvements: None
ACCESS: The property can be accessed via N Packsaddle Cir.
WATER: Would be a well, water haul and holding tank or other similar option
SEWER: Would be by Septic
UTILITIES: Power by solar, wind or generator, Phone by cellular, satellite Tv/Internet/Phone
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10.7 AC : $9.2K