1,037 acre dry land farm and grassland east of Colorado Springs. Wide open spaces. Add to your farming or grazing operation, or build your farm. Towering views of Pikes Peak and views of the Spanish Peaks. Tons of road frontage and electrical service in the area. Hedge against inflation with land....
300 acre tilled dry land farm ground and 140 acres grassland east of Colorado Springs. Wide open spaces. Add to your farming or grazing operation, or build your farm. Towering views of Pikes Peak and views of the Spanish Peaks. Tons of road frontage and electrical service in the area. 1 mile from...
421.88 acre tilled dry land farm ground and 175 acres grassland east of Colorado Springs. Wide open spaces. Add to your farming or grazing operation, or build your farm. Towering views of Pikes Peak and views of the Spanish Peaks. Tons of road frontage and electrical service in the area. Hedge...
Wide open eastern El Paso County grassland for you and your animals to enjoy. AG zoning and no HOA or covenants. Great southern exposure and 30 minutes to Colorado