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Weld County Colorado Cattle Ranches for Sale

Wiggins, Colorado 216 Acres Land : Roggen : Weld County : Colorado

Located just minutes from Wiggins, CO this property offers 216 +/- acres. There are approximately 127 +/- acres under pivot. The irrigation well produces approximately 700 GPM in the spring and 500 GPM in late summer. The 100 acre valley pivot historically irrigates corn, while the 27 acre valley...

216 Acres : $1,200,000

Wiggins, Colorado 216 Acres Land

Roggen : Weld County : Colorado

Hayden Outdoors

Tom Kime Reservoir : Eaton : Weld County : Colorado

The Tom Kime Reservoir parcel is truly a versatile property. With it's varied topography thanks to the 3+-acre pond, you can choose from several uses. If it's hunting, the pond provides water and cover in an area that is predominantly an open prairie landscape giving ducks, geese, doves, mule deer...

57.94 Acres : $550,000

Tom Kime Reservoir

Eaton : Weld County : Colorado

Hayden Outdoors