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Greene County Georgia Recreational Ranches for Sale

Farmington Pines Tract : Watkinsville : Greene County : Georgia

Southern Land Exchange is proud to present Farmington Pines, a 100 acre tract in Greene County. Location, Location, Location - the property is only 20 minutes from Watkinsville, GA. This beautiful recreational tract consists of 25+ year old planted pines. There is already a good internal trail...

100 Acres : $1,150,000

Farmington Pines Tract

Watkinsville : Greene Co : GA

Southern Land Exchange

Caroline Ashley Tract +/- 51.3 Ac : Greensboro : Greene County : Georgia

51 Acre Hunting/Recreational tract only 6 miles east of Lake Oconee.. The Caroline Ashley Tract fronts on White Plains Rd. The property is located near several large private landowner holdings and offers great deer hunting potential. Tracts of this size in this location rarely come on the market....

51.30 Acres : $320,625

Caroline Ashley Tract +/- 51.3 Ac

Greensboro : Greene County : GA

Jesse Johnson : Johnson Land

1801 Bairdstown Road Union Point : Union Point : Greene County : Georgia

12.37 Acres located 14 miles off of Interstate 20 and 11 miles from Greensboro & Lake Oconee. This Property host a variety of features such as Level topography for a Rural Homesite, Towering Timber, Creek frontage along the rear of the property and superb recreational options with an abundance of...

Sold12.37 Acres

1801 Bairdstown Road Union Point

Union Point : Greene Co : GA

Johnson Land

Jesse Johnson

Algin Realty

Ginny Vanoostrom

Fountains Land

T.R. Clark