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West Carroll Parish Louisiana crp Ranches for Sale

La, West Carroll 32 Acres : Darnell : West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

This 32 +/- acres would make a good home.- hunting site, located on Hwy 17, just south of Darnell, LA. There is electricity and public water with frontage on Hwy 17 the length of the property. Deer & small game are very plentiful in this area & it's a short distance to Poverty Point Lake. Call for...

32 Acres : $104,000

La, West Carroll 32 Acres

Darnell : West Carroll Par : LA

Jerry Brown : Brown Realty Co.

La, West Carroll 64 Acres : Goodwill : West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

Like many of our properties this farm has been owned by the same family for many years. It has been transformed from a working farm to the CRP program with Hardwood trees planted on it now. The Wildlife thrives in these areas so the hunting can be spectacular along with growing timber at the same...

64 Acres : $225,000

La, West Carroll 64 Acres

West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

Jerry Brown : Brown Realty Co.

202 Ac, Crp Tract with Home Site : Darnell : West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

202 +/- ac Recreational Tract with Home Site Locations and Income in south West Carroll Parish, La This tract is located on a dead-end road approx 9 miles east of the new Data Center development occurring in Richland Parish. It will give new owners plenty of deer & duck hunting opportunities in the...

202 Acres : $2,200,000

202 Ac, Crp Tract with Home Site

Darnell : West Carroll Par : LA

RecLand Realty, LLC

78 Ac, Timberland for Home Site : Oak Grove : West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

78 +/- ac TimberlandTract with Home Site Locations near Oak Grove in West Carroll Parish, La This tract is expired from the CRP program. It has some merchantable pine timber. There are locations for home sites. The property has excellent access and available utilities. It sits in the middle of...

78 Acres : $390,000

78 Ac, Timberland for Home Site

West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

RecLand Realty, LLC

Bayou Macon 185 : Oak Grove : West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

Discover this outdoor paradise in West Carroll Parish with 185 acres of recreational land divided into 3 tracts, including 77.6 acres enrolled in CRP with $5,136 of annual payments until 2035. Perfect for the buyer seeking an affordable retreat, this property offers prime opportunities for...

185 Acres : $499,000

Bayou Macon 185

West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

United Country Southern States Realty

Chickasaw Loop Rd : Oak Grove : West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

Discover this outdoor paradise in West Carroll Parish with 55+ acres of recreational land, including 8.8 acres enrolled in Crp. This tract will receive CRP payments through 2035. Perfect for the buyer seeking an affordable recreational retreat to build a camp or home, this property offers prime...

55 Acres : $253,000

Chickasaw Loop Rd

West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

United Country Southern States Realty

Highway 585 : Oak Grove : West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

This outdoor paradise is located in West Carroll Parish and consist of just over 38 acres of recreational land, including 25.57 acres enrolled in CRP with $1,740 of annual payments until 2035. This tract is perfect for the buyer seeking an affordable hunting property. This property offers prime...

38 Acres : $90,000

Highway 585

West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

United Country Southern States Realty

Bonnie Sue Road : Oak Grove : West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

Discover this outdoor paradise in West Carroll Parish with 93 acres of recreational land including 43.22 acres enrolled in CRP with $2,940 of annual payments until 2035. Perfect for the buyer seeking an affordable retreat, this property offers prime opportunities for whitetail deer hunting and...

93 Acres : $253,000

Bonnie Sue Road

West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

United Country Southern States Realty

50 Acres of Beautiful Timber LA : Oak Grove : West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

This West Carroll Parish 50 +/- Acre property is very diverse property from flooded timber to wide ridges and bottoms to a with a fine 7 acre duck hole at the back of property. This property is made up of two listings one of 20 +/- acres along Macon Front Road and the adjoining 30 acres west of the...

50 Acres : $144,000

50 Acres of Beautiful Timber LA

West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

337 Acres of Fine Hunting Land : Forest : West Carroll Parish : Louisiana

337+/- Fine West Carroll Parish Hunting Acreage with Income. This property is prime hunting for whitetail deer and ducks. It has mature bottomland hardwoods with cypress brakes and ash flats. The eastern most 100 acres has over 70 acres in older pine plantation with annual CRP Income. The east side...

337 Acres : $1,179,500

337 Acres of Fine Hunting Land

Forest : West Carroll Par : LA