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Bayard Nebraska Recreational Ranches for Sale

Weekes Ranch : Bayard : Scotts Bluff County : Nebraska

Weekes Ranch is a terrific opportunity to purchase a nice irrigated and dryland grass ranch including a NE Belf lease section, ideal for raising cattle and horses. This property is accessed by a paved county road and only 2.5 miles from Hwy 92 and the community of McGrew. There is a wonderful 3,024...

900.48 Acres : $1,800,000

Weekes Ranch

Bayard : Scotts Bluff Co : NE

Hayden Outdoors

Castle Rock Ranch : Bayard : Scotts Bluff County : Nebraska

This picturesque ranch includes 2,420 deeded acres and 388 acres of dryland farm ground. The property features a charming ranch headquarters with amenities such as a barn, workshop, corrals, grain storage, and other essential facilities for livestock and farming operations. Located just a few...

2,420 Acres : $3,850,000

Castle Rock Ranch

Bayard : Scotts Bluff Co : NE

Ken Mirr : Mirr Ranch Group