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Blackstock South Carolina Ranches for Sale

Fairfield Hill's Plantation : Blackstock : Fairfield County : South Carolina

Fairfield Hill's Plantation1,031.22 Acres Total1,025 Acre Legacy High Fence Tract with adjacent 6.22 commercially zoned acres Welcome to Fairfield Hill's Plantation, South Carolina's largest and final 10-foot high-fenced wildlife preserve. This extraordinary estate spans over 1,025 acres and is...

1,032 Acres : $7,400,000

Fairfield Hill's Plantation

Blackstock : Fairfield Co : SC

Russell Brown : Brown & Company

Bantham Lane : Blackstock : Chester County : South Carolina

Summary A great place for a new homesite, this property is in the southern portion of Chester County on Bantham Lane and borders Interstate 77. It's a perfect location for a fast commute to Charlotte and Columbia. Chester County has shown tremendous growth in residential and commercial development...

14.61 Acres : $111,036

Bantham Lane

Blackstock : Chester Co : SC

Russell Brown : Brown & Company

Shannon Road Tract : Blackstock : Chester County : South Carolina

The Shannon Road Tract is a pleasantly situated property in southern Chester County. The tract contains 67 acres of beautiful natural forests from boundary to boundary. Roughly 13 acres of mature, natural hardwoods line rocky-bottom creeks, giving cooling shade in the summer and nature's best...

67 Acres : $420,000

Shannon Road Tract

Blackstock : Chester Co : SC

Brown & Company

Russell Brown

AFM Real Estate

Nathan Greer