Estate Sale. Grandpa's Farm/Ranch. Improved pasture, 3 lakes/ponds. Country, county, road access. Low traffic. Tract 14 is fronting the southern side of County Road 3620. Ranchy community. Lovelady Isd. High and Dry. 1200 SF (Cad) fix-r-upper farmhouse (2/1) with attached garage. 820 SF (Cad) metal...
Escape to the country with this hidden gem. Gently rolling pasture land that features several small ponds, a small creek, fencing and cross fencing, and is suitable for ranching, hunting, and other outdoor activities. An existing pipeline runs through a portion of the property. Utilities...
Estate Sale. Grandpa's Farm. Pasture, with some fencing. Country, county, road access. Low traffic. Tract 7B is fronting the Western side of County Road 3625A. Ranchy community. Lovelady
Estate Sale. Grandpa's Farm. Pasture, lakes/ponds (on certain tracts). Country, county, road access. Low traffic. Tract 17 is fronting the southern side of County Road 3630. Ranchy community. Lovelady
Located in Houston County just two miles from Crockett, TX, the Crockett property consists of beautiful pastureland and was used for cattle grazing in the past. The property lies along Highway 7 that runs from Lufkin, TX to I-45 near Centerville, Tx. The parent property has been divided into eight...