Interested in this property? Call, text, or email us today for more details. Feel free to visit the property any time, no need to set up an appointment, this property has no address. Subscribe to email alerts by texting your e-mail address and be the first to know when we get a great deal in. By...
This listing is part of a large 3,000-Acre land auction in 22 tracts with tract sizes ranging from 4 acres to 1,200 acres. 500 Acres on Kate's Mountain Road. A quiet drive thru the Greenbrier State Forest drops you off at Kates's Mountain Road to this natural beauty. Small pond, open land and...
Interested in this property? Call, text, or email us today for more details. Feel free to visit the property any time, no need to set up an appointment, this property has no address. Subscribe to email alerts by texting your e-mail address and be the first to know when we get a great deal in. By...