Your 4X4 Meets Adventure
Lakeview, OR 97630
Lake County, Oregon
Ranch Description
Owner Financing:
- $1000 down (plus the $500 doc fee)
- $1000 down $575/Mo for 104 months (plus prorated taxes and $10/Mo note maintenance fee)
Living off-grid shouldn't feel like an impossible dream, yet countless nature enthusiasts and sustainability-minded individuals struggle to find the perfect property that combines solitude, natural beauty, and the potential for self-sufficient living. Many spend years searching for land that offers both the freedom to live sustainably and the practical features needed for off-grid success.
According to Lake County zoning regulations, this property is zoned for agricultural use. Additionally, mobile homes are permitted on the premises, provided they were manufactured after 1976. For older mobile homes, a type II CUP is required. Building and septic permits are necessary for accessing power and establishing an address. While residing in an RV on the property is not permitted, camping or having an RV on-site for up to 7 days in a 6-month period is allowed. Keep in mind accessing this property is a bit challenging and will likely require a 4x4 vehicle with good ground clearance. Also, because the roads to this property are not highly traveled removing debris, dealing with ruts and muds if wet all are possibilities when traversing the beautiful countryside to get to the property.
Subdivision: N/A
Street Address: N/A, near Lakeview, OR 97630
State: Or
COUNTY: Lake County, Or
Zip: 97630
Size: 15.76 acres
LOT Dimensions: 1,337 feet x 738 feet
Apn: 15991
Legal Description: Township 41 South, Range 18 East of the Willamette Meridian: Section 20: The N1/2 of Government Lot 3, Excepting Therefrom, The South 3.0 chains of the West 15.0 chains of said N1/2 of Government Lot 3.
Google Maps Link:
Lat/Long Coordinates:
Nw: 41.996955, -120.619942
Ne: 41.996945, -120.615016
Sw: 41.995477, -120.619934
Se: 41.995526, -120.615012
Elevation: 4,964 feet
ANNUAL Taxes: Approx. $455 per year
ZONING: A-2 Agriculture Use, R - Range Comprehensive Plan Designation - Manufactured homes are allowed. A Mobile Home is allowed only with a Type II Conditional Use Permit if approved by the Planning Commission and meeting building codes and allowed by the zone. Camping and RV's are allowed for short periods of time, not more than 7 days in a 6 month period. You cannot live on the property in an RV. Farming, propagating, and harvesting of trees, horse breeding, and training are allowed in this zone. With an approved type II conditional use permit, you can hunt and fish, dog kennels or livestock. Please contact Lake County, OR Planning & Zoning for additional information.
FLOOD Zone: Yes
ACCESS: There is no road leading to this property directly.
WATER: Would be a well, water haul and holding tank or other similar option
SEWER: Would be by Septic
UTILITIES: Power by solar, wind or generator, Phone by cellular, satellite Tv/Internet/Phone
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10.1 AC : $16.7K
10 AC : $11.9K
46.3 AC : $100K
20 AC : $26K
10 AC : $20.1K
20 AC : $27.8K
10 AC : $16.6K
10.6 AC : $35.7K
10 AC : $38.6K
10 AC : $33.8K
20 AC : $25.7K
10.7 AC : $9.2K