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Karnack Texas Ranches for Sale

Cypress Bayou 364 WH : Karnack : Harrison County : Texas

Hunting and timber land for sale in Harrison county Texas between Karnack and Jefferson. Beautiful and wild best describe this timbered hunting tract just west of the famous haunts of Caddo Lake. Pine timber stands provide longterm income and good cover for wildlife on the upland portions. The...

364 Acres : $1,383,200

Cypress Bayou 364 WH

Karnack : Harrison Co : Texas

Karnack 22 WH : Karnack : Harrison County : Texas

Sweet hunting tract or potential homestead just minutes north of I-20 nestled in Harrison county. Thick pine and hardwood timber rambling over gently rolling terrain. Harwood timber lines meandering creek bottoms creating excellent wildlife corridors and potential bow atands for the archery...

21.72 Acres : $152,040

Karnack 22 WH

Karnack : Harrison Co : Texas

Jirasek Realty

David Jirasek